Microsoft Teams

Teams allows communities, groups, or teams to join through a specific URL or invitation sent by a team administrator or owner. Teams for Education allows admins and teachers to set up specific teams for classes, professional learning communities (PLCs), staff members, and everyone.




Microsoft Teams is an all-encompassing, robust tool for collaboration and sharing that allows staff from multiple locations to work together as a seamless, functional unit. Stability, security, privacy, and easy access is one of the hallmarks of Microsoft Teams.


One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Teams is its ability to integrate with other Microsoft products including Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, and OneNote.

Microsoft Teams is the replacement for Skype for Business, and it provides the same functionality, including instant messaging and chat, along with a number of new tools and functions.


  • Schedule and keep track of meetings through Outlook
    • Conduct video conferences
    • Collaborate across multiple divisions and offices
    • Share, edit, and find content across your organization and cloud-based storage services through SharePoint, OneDrive & OneNote


Download the brochure…Microsoft-Teams-Brochure
